Monday, January 15, 2007

Step by Step Adsense for Beginners - Lesson One

Step One - Get an AdSense Account

Remember these are ten lessons all developed to help you make money using AdSense. Even if you already have websites the lessons will still help you. However, the best lesson for you will come in day 6 when I give you the ultimate lesson.

Get an AdSense account
Sounds simple enough? Even a half brained dimwit can do this.
If you don't have one, click the adsense logo on the right and get one.

Now listen, you do need to have a site going and at least look like
you have a clue what you are doing.

Chances are some of you don't, if you don't you need to build one.
For now, lets assume you have a website.

Check your sites, ensure all the links are working, ensure you fit into Google AdSense Acceptable Use Policy, and then wait.

You will be approved by Google adsense and ready to make money in a few days.

Now, before we move any further we need to address the folks that have
NO site. Yes, its unfortunate but some of you yuppies need help in getting
started. No site, no problem.

First, you could make a typical NEWBIE mistake and go to eBay and buy
templates. These are those packages you see that say "300 AdSense Sites
for $99 bucks!"

Nope. Stay away. Stay Far Away...
These duplicate sites will get you banned from Google.

Expression Web (Formerly FrontPage) and DreamWeaver are two of the best programs for website building and I highly recommend either. However, if you are totally new you may find learning these programs a bit over your head.

Xsitepro is hands down the best program for newcomers and is customized for creating AdSense sites. Its good for idiots like you and me because it has built in search engine optimization tricks.

Mozilla Composer is free of charge and works fine if you already have some html knowledge. It's a beta program and has several bugs that you will have to fix - some html knowledge is needed to do this.

If I was starting over I would get XsitePro to begin with and then graduate to DreamWeaver as I became more adept at web building. It should be noted that XsitePro is considerably cheaper than Dreamweaver or Expression Web (Frontpage) and should be considered when first getting started. The choice is yours.


Mozilla Suite


Adobe's Dreamweaver 8

MicroSoft's Expression Web - FrontPage

Thats enough for you today, I bet you are tired from all the hard work.

Lesson Two is going to be tough so get ready. Lesson two will teach you about keywords and all that stuff.

Adsense for Beginners


Friday, January 12, 2007

Adsense Makes Money

$1 Million in Google AdSense Earnings
By Scott J Adams

They are calling him the million dollar man. Jason Calacanis recently revealed in his blog that he is on track to earn a million dollars from AdSense over the year ahead.

And if that number doesn’t wake you up and have you sitting on the edge of your seat, consider for a moment that he reached this level in less than a year. His company only started using AdSense in September 2004.

Calacanis runs Weblogs Inc., a network dedicated to creating trade weblogs across niche industries. And he’s quickly proven that AdSense is a credible advertising partner.

As their network has grown, so has their AdSense revenue. In January 2005 they earned an average of $580 per day. In March it was $737. In May it was $1,585. One day in July, just before he made the blog entry referred to above, they earned $2,335. Remember that is just for one day. If they can take that daily average to $2,740 they’ll be earning a rate of $1 million for a year. And Calacanis predicts that reaching daily earnings of $3,000 or even $5,000 is quite achievable. More...


Increase Your Google Adsense Earnings While Pleasing Your Visitors
By Barry Fenning

Google Adsense has provided website owners a simple way to make money online. Just copy and paste a simple piece of code into your website and you can be making money within 5 minutes. No wages for salespersons, no dealing with advertisers, no hassles. However, there is a big difference between making a couple of cents per day and retiring on your own private yacht in the Caribbean . There is more to do than simply plugging your advertisements into any section of your website, sitting back, and hoping the cheques will start pouring through the door.

If you are looking for a way to increase your earnings with Google Adsense with you Blog or Website then the following tips should help:

1. Blend you Adsense Advertisements with the rest of your page.

This is a very simple but not always used tip. Countless studies have shown that users are more likely to click on your Adsense advertisements if they have the same link and font colours as the rest of your page. Google makes sure that the advertisement relevancy matches the content of your web page so by blending the Adsense advertisements it will provide a consistent look to your page with relevant content as well.

2. Putting Adsense Above or Below the fold?

The fold is simply known as the bottom of the page. If you have to scroll down to see more information on a page, this section is known as below the fold. Test your Adsense placement by analyzing the CTR (click through rate) that you get for advertisements that are above the fold, take them out and then put them below the fold, you'll get a better picture to see which has greater success. There is no hard-and-fast rule to what suits better but remember that success has a lot to do with location, location, location. So get testing. More...


AdSense Money Maker through Blog Niche Marketing
By Michael Kralj

You too can build a money making site from home, that will earn you extra money for that vacation you want to take, for that car you need to purchase or those inflating credit card bills.

First step: you need to pick a Niche market. What is a Niche market you may ask? It is a topic that is more focused, and does not take the general aspect of a topic. You want to pick something that is out there, but is focused so you can get up there in search engines and build traffic to your site.

Want an example of a Blog with Niche Marketing?

Mesothelioma Info and Updates at This site taylors to Mesothelioma, a rare disease caused by Asbestos, and the site goes in depth about the Niche Market of "Peritoneal Mesothelioma". Asbestos would be more of a General Blog without Niche marketing, while drilling down to "Peritoneal Mesothelioma" is a niche market. More...

Adsense for Beginners


Thursday, January 11, 2007

How To Achieve Success With Adsense Arbitrage

by Karl Stadler

'Whether you believe you can do a thing or not, you are right.' Henry Ford

This quote holds true for anything you attempt. It is all about the belief you have in yourself to achieve success.

When speaking about the subject of Adsense arbitrage many a time you will find eyebrows rising. It is looked upon as a 'black hat' method of making money as an online business, but this is due to a bad name it got from people who misused the system.

Fortunately this is now behind us to a large extent, thanks to the Google slap down on landing pages.

Adsense arbitrage has now again become a viable business model for a sustained online income, provided of course you know what you are doing and don't go against the system but work toward the betterment of the system.

Adsense arbitrage is not a new concept or secret idea that has just arisen; it has been around for a while. The concept behind Adsense arbitrage is simple, you buy advertising from adwords or another PPC engine, and you send the traffic to a landing page of your own with Adsense advertising. People click on the Adsense ads and you get paid. Your profit is made up of the difference between what you pay for the click and get paid for the click on your page.

Now although this may seem relatively easy to achieve there are some points you need to consider very carefully before placing your ads and landing pages. More...


5 Surefire Ways to Increase Google Adsense Earnings
by Mal Keenan

I have been adding Google Adsense to my websites for a couple of years now with great success. It's amazing how adsense earnings can turn into another significant monthly income stream with little effort on your part. Once the ads have been added to your site there is little or no maintenance.

Some internet marketers are earning $100s and even $1000s per day with Adsense. Although I haven't reached that level I have learnt a little over the years to make the most profit from the Adsense ads on my pages.

Here are my 5 most effective ways to maximise your Adsense earnings:

1. Blend the Ads in with your Site - Create colors for your ads that will blend in with the colors on your website. The idea is to make the ads look less like ads and more like just another part of your site. To do this, make the Adsense ad border and background the same color as your website background. Also make the link text the same color as your website link text. This small change should significantly increase your Adsense click thru rate.

2. Place the Ads Correctly - Place the ads in a prominent position on your website. No point placing the ads where they are not going to be seen by the vast majority of your websites visitors. The most effective places to position your ads are at the top centre of your site and at the top right hand-side. Website visitor eyes tend to move from top centre to top right so anywhere in this area is good and of course you can find the most appropriate ads to fit well in these areas.

3. Choose the Most Profitable Ad Format - Through testing it has been found that the most effective Google Adsense format is the (338x280) large rectangle. This ad will outperform all the others but do not sacrifice the design of your website by squeezing one of these ads in where it just doesn't look right. Placing a large rectangle in the centre of the page is more preferable to putting it in one of the side columns where the layout will be effected.

4. Wrap Your Content - Through proper formatting you can wrap the content of your site around the ads. This is especially effective when wrapping a website article around a (338x280) ad. If you visit any of my sites that have articles on them you can see how this looks. For instructions how to do this just Google "wrap text around Google adsense".

5. Maintain Relevant Content - Although Google's automatic script for targeting ads to the content of your site is mostly first class there are times when it doesn't match the right ad to your content. The way to avoid this is to place good quality targeted content on your pages. If you are creating websites specifically to earn from Google then make sure to focus the keywords around one topic. Placing various keywords on a variety of unrelated topics will result in untargeted ads on your site.

The most important point when placing Google adsense on your websites is to stay within Google's terms of service which you can find on their site. Many people have lost their Adsense accounts through flirting with dodgy practices in order to increase earnings. This may pay off in the short term but Google will always catch you out in the end.

About the Author

Mal Keenan is publisher of Workathomebiz. Check it out for tips on how to get Started Earning a Full-time Income from Home: To Find Out What Was My Greatest Lucky Break in My Six Years of Frustration check out: Mal Keenan


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Adsense for Beginners

Does AdSense Drive You to Drink?
by Khalid Osman

AdSense drives some people to drink! I have never imagined that the AdSense could borrow Britney Spears' smile, or wear Joan Collins' lingerie.

Some people are working hard with their AdSense. They even do not know how to work smoothly and effectively on their Google AdSense accounts to code their units and upload them to their websites. Lot of newbie and other savvy webmasters are wondering about some difficulties they encounter dealing with this method to monetize their websites. They misspend their time searching for strategies and tactics.

All this is natural. Though I and other webmasters have learned through trial and errors how to save our times dealing with AdSense and even attract it to follow our web behaviours.

One of the wrong methods to deal with AdSense is to copy AdSense from a website page to paste it into another website page, or to copy it from blog to blog. You need not to copy ads units like this, from blog A to blog B. This makes error most of the time.

In stead use the following instructions. I recommend the following methods to save your time by doing your AdSense coding one time and use it for a long time. So you will never need to do it on your Google account unless something changes. More...


The Way My Friend Makes Huge Profits Out Of Google Adsense
by Steve Hill

Are you one of the millions of people who are trying to make a quick buck out of adsense? Are you becoming tired of seeing low returns for what you believe are big efforts? Would you like to increase your Google adsense earnings? I am not sure about how you have answered these questions however I would imagine that quite a lot of people would have said yes to most of them. A few months ago I would have also answered yes to all of those questions but I was then lucky enough to meet somebody who I now regard as a good friend. He is called Neil and Neil is making a huge amount of money from adsense and has been kind enough to show me how. In this article I will explain all.

Neil has around ten websites and they are all on the same theme, which is health. He has worked out a way of linking all of the sites to ensure that they are all one-way links. It is quite hard for me to explain it without drawing a diagram but lets just say it is like a traingle formation, I will hope you can work the rest out for yourself. More...


11 AdSense Revenue Tips
by Stuart Reid

AdSense is Google's advertising service for webmasters. WIth this you place AdSense ads on your site or Blog, and Google will pay you for each ad that is clicked.

The money earned is a percentage of that which the Advertiser paid to display the ad. The rate is a secret, and it seems to vary.

Google AdSense Ads are context based, so the ads that are shown should be related to the page they are displayed on.

Google AdSense is free to join but you must be approved by Google first.

Here's 10 Tips on Making the Most of Adsense.

1. AdSense Sites should be designed to be Search Engine Friendly. The main goal is to get a good ranking, and to attract hits to the site. More hits = more clicks = more commissions! Good keyword research is essential, and a site full of content over multiple pages will work best. Use free or private-label articles for the content and use keyword-laden names for the site and page addresses. Of course your site must be listed at Google too. Submit a Sitemap or get your site linked from a site that is already indexed. If you can't get a link that way, consider posting to Forums, Blogs and Directories.

2. For the best click-thru rates try to make the Google Ads blend with the content. The best way to do this is to use the larger ad formats, NOT the banner or tower ones. Incorporate these ad-blocks into your main content with a colour scheme that makes it match your site.

3. Stick to Google's rules! You WILL have your account suspended if you don't play fair. Providing content, with ads, is fine. Don't try to force clicks to your ads, don't use scripts or software to simulate clicks, and don't try to run ads on Gambling, Porn or other illegal sites.

4. AdSense Ads can display as graphics (if available) or text. You can set this option in your preferences. Text will work better, because of point 2 above. Graphics may look more impressive, but scream "ad" to a potential clicker - so be careful.

5. Take the time to set different channels in your AdSense prefs. These are part of the tracking system and without them all your clicks will show as one. If you use multiple sites this is essential so you know where the clicks are coming from. More...